Oregon Fishing Adventure is located in beautiful Southern Oregon (aka The Jefferson State), and offers guided salmon and steelhead fishing on the greatest fish producing rivers in the Pacific North West.
We also offer salt water charters out of Brookings, Oregon, there we spend the days chasing the fun filled sea-bass, lingcod and fall king salmon.
We take pride in keeping up with the fish runs on each river, to ensure the best chance at producing the trophy fish and great time you are after. Our fishing season is broke up into the following: Fall Chinook (King) Salmon, Spring Chinook (King) Salmon, Winter Steelhead, Summer Steelhead, Ocean Fishing: Lingcod, Rock Fish & Salmon.
Fall King Salmon Fishing on the Klamath, Chetco, Smith, Elk, and Sixes rivers is second to none. We start our season fishing for kings on the Klamath River in late September. Many days on the Klamath end with countless hookups and days filled with “Fish-On”. The Klamath is just a warm up to the fall fishing to come on the Smith and Chetco rivers. In Late October we move our focus to the Smith and Chetco Rivers, these two rivers have minimal fishing pressure and are considered to be the best king salmon fishing in the Pacific North West. As the fall king salmon fishing on the Smith and Chetco Rivers wind down, it is time to head to the Elk and Sixes Rivers, these two rivers will produce king salmon far into December. With all these rivers producing so many salmon there is no reason to travel anywhere to catch the King Salmon of your life.
Spring King Salmon Fishing on the Rogue River takes place out of Gold Beach, Oregon there we catch these monster kings when they first leave the ocean, packed with sea-lice and a bad attitude, these fish put on a huge fight. Trolling from jet sleds, anglers catch salmon up to 60 pounds, often within sight of the Highway 101 Bridge in Gold Beach.
Winter Steelhead Fishing We fish for winter steelhead on the Rogue River, Chetco River, Smith River, and Coquille River. Steelhead fishing in Oregon starts just after the salmon begin to spawn in the rivers. It is not uncommon to begin catching winter steelhead during the last week of king salmon season. The winter steelhead follow just behind the king salmon to feed upon the salmon eggs and decaying salmon carcasses. As the end of December approaches so do the winter steelhead, and all the fun that chasing these silver bullets entail. There is no secret that the Smith and Chetco Rivers produce a huge winter steelhead run, and the Smith River my produce more steelhead over 20lbs then any other river in California, or Oregon. On the Chetco River you are currently allowed to keep two steelhead per/person per/day and each person is allowed one native steelhead.
In February we move to the Rogue River to get some steelhead. The Rogue River is one of the only rivers in Oregon to have a run of steelhead all year long. We continue to catch winter steelhead on the Rogue even after the summer steelhead begin to show up in the Rogue
Summer Steelhead Fishing begins in July on the Rogue River and they are a blast to catch in the Southern Oregon summer sun. The summer-run steelhead arrives in July on the Rogue, and fishing remains productive through the fall. These beautiful, hard fighting fish are taken on flies and lures. In late August, the famous Rogue “half-pounders” begin their return from the ocean. Summer run steelhead range from 3-10lbs. While side drifting bait and casting spoons produce fish casting fly’s from a bubble and bug set up, or a fly rod is the most popular. You don’t have to be an experienced fly fisherman to catch summer run steelhead on the Rogue River. A conventional fly rod is used or a custom built spinning rod is used, with either rod we are casting weighted nymphs. We fish out of our custom built drift boats.
Your guide, Randy Wells, knows these rivers, he was born and raised in Southern Oregon and Alaska, and spent most of his life in a drift boat, or on the ocean. Randy comes from a long line of fisherman and fishing guides. His father was a guide on the Rogue and owned a sporting goods store in Medford, called Wells Gun and Tackle. Randy’s grandfather began fishing from a drift boat that he built in his garage from wood. Three generations of fishing in Southern Oregon has helped educated Randy in the “Way of the Fish”. Randy also owns a charter fishing business in Alaska www.fishsewardalaska.com between fishing in the Jefferson State and in Alaska Randy spends over 250 days a year, fishing.
Oregon fishing techniques are similar to many techniques used in other states for salmon and steelhead fishing. For king salmon fishing on the Chetco, Smith and other rivers we guide we mainly pull plugs like the Hognose and the Maglips. If we are not pulling plugs for king salmon then we are back-bouncing salmon eggs, or pulling a diver and eggs. For winter steelhead fishing we are side-drifting eggs or, yarn-balls. Pulling small plugs can be a lot of fun when chasing steelhead. When the water is right, casting a bobber and jig of fly is for steelhead is unlike any other type of steelhead fishing and can be the highlight of a steeheaders fishing career.
No matter the tools used to chase salmon or steelhead you can trust that we will be prepared, and excited to teach you, and get you, into the Salmon, or Steelhead of a lifetime.